Iowa’s personal income tax system has 9 tax brackets. They range from 0.36% to 8.98%. The tax is imposed on the Iowa net income of individuals, estates and trusts. More on Iowa taxes can be found in the tabbed pages below.
Personal income tax
Iowa collects income taxes from its residents at the following rates:
- 0.36% on the first $1,539 of taxable income.
- 0.72% on taxable income between $1,540 and $3,078.
- 2.43% on taxable income between $3,079 and $6,156.
- 4.50% on taxable income between $6,157 and $13,851.
- 6.12% on taxable income between $13,852 and $23,085.
- 6.48% on taxable income between $23,086 and $30,780.
- 6.80% on taxable income between $30,781 and $46,170.
- 7.92% on taxable income between $46,171 and $69,255.
- 8.98% on taxable income of $69,256 and above.
Iowa income tax returns are due April 30. If April 30 falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the due date is the following Monday. When paper returns are filed, the postmark determines whether a return is filed on time. When e-filed, the transmittal date is used.
Downloadable tax forms can be found on the Iowa Department of Revenue website.
Sales taxes
The state sales tax rate in Iowa increased to 6% (from 5%) on July 1, 2008. Iowa also collects a corresponding use tax on out-of-state purchases.
Local taxing jurisdictions also may impose a local option sales tax if approved by voters. This tax is imposed on the gross receipts from sales of tangible personal property. It usually remains in effect until it is repealed, but the ordinance may include a sunset clause.
The Department of Revenue has an online sales tax rates lookup tool.
Personal and real property taxes
Property tax is levied on the taxable value of real property — that is, mostly land, buildings, structures and other improvements that are constructed on or in the land, attached to the land or placed upon a foundation. Typical improvements include buildings, houses, mobile homes, fences and paving.
5 classes of real property are evaluated: residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial and utilities/railroad (which is assessed at the state level).
Residential, commercial and industrial real estate is assessed at 100% of market value. Agricultural real estate is assessed at 100% of productivity and net earning capacity value.
Iowa has more than 2,000 taxing authorities. Most property is taxed by more than 1 taxing authority. The tax rate differs in each locality and is a composite of county, city, school district and special levies.
State law requires that all real property be assessed every 2 years in odd-numbered years. Railroads and public utilities, which are assessed by the Iowa Department of Revenue, are assessed every year.
Iowa offers a variety of full and partial property tax exemptions and credits.
Inheritance and estate taxes
Iowa collects an inheritance tax that ranges from 5% to 15%, depending on the amount of the inheritance and the relationship of the recipient to the decedent. Form IA 706 must be filed.
The surviving spouse’s share, regardless of amount, is not subject to tax. State tax also may be limited or even eliminated for bequests left to other family members. See Form IA 706 for details.
Iowa’s estate tax was linked to the federal estate tax. Due to the phaseout of the federal estate tax credit, Iowa no longer imposes an estate tax.
Other Iowa tax facts
Iowa and Illinois have a reciprocal tax agreement. Any wages or salary earned by an Iowa resident who works in Illinois is taxable only to Iowa; any wages or salary earned by an Illinois resident working in Iowa is taxable only to Illinois.
Iowa residents working in Illinois should file Illinois Form IL-W-5-NR with the employer to ensure that Iowa income tax is withheld.
Iowa taxpayers can check the status of their state tax refunds at a special Department of Revenue Web page.
For information, contact the Iowa Department of Revenue at (515) 281-3114 if calling from Des Moines or out of state, or (800) 367-3388 if calling from elsewhere in Iowa; Rock Island or Moline, Illinois; or Omaha, Nebraska. You also can visit the state’s tax website.
To download tax forms on this site, you will need to install a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here for instructions.