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Filing Taxes

Filing taxes is an annual chore, and the tax code is complicated. Find tax forms and advice you need to file your tax return this year and pay the IRS.

Latest Tax Filing Articles

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    Using overnight delivery services

    IRS has provided rules on using a private delivery service for your return, along with advice for late e-filers.

    3 min read Apr 14, 2008
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    Writing off travel expenses

    You can deduct reasonable and ordinary travel expenses when away from home on a temporary work assignment, says CPA George Saenz.

    2 min read Mar 27, 2007
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    Cooling a tax bill with energy credits

    You can earn tax credits when replacing your air conditioning system as long as it meets the energy-efficient requirements, says CPA George Saenz.

    2 min read Dec 08, 2006
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    Sorting out nanny tax rules

    Principally the IRS is looking to collect Social Security and Medicare tax on wages paid to your household help, says CPA George Saenz.

    2 min read Nov 10, 2006
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    Capital gains exclusion for foreign home

    The rules apply to foreign homes even if you were not a resident of this country during the period of ownership and use, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read Nov 09, 2006
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    Deducting rental property losses

    Rental real estate losses are not allowed to married or single taxpayers whose AGI exceeds $150,000 a year, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read Nov 08, 2006
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    Converting to a Roth IRA

    The Roth conversion is an oddity, making people pay more tax now in exchange for a future promise that you will not have to pay tax, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read Oct 25, 2006
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    Capital gains on sale of home with farm

    If the avocados produce a profit, then the land is considered farmland and when sold would not qualify for capital gain exclusion from the sale of your home.

    1 min read Aug 01, 2006
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    Student wants tax exemption on condo

    Whether you can exclude capital gains on the sale of your jointly owned condo largely depends on if it served as your principal residence, says CPA George Saenz.

    2 min read Jun 13, 2006
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    Overtaxed on rental property sale

    You have three years from the date you filed the original return to claim a refund on your overpayment, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read May 02, 2006
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    Partner’s insurance produces big tax bill

    Company-provided benefits to an employee’s domestic partner are counted as the employee’s income. Our expert offers some ways to reduce the unexpected IRS bite.

    1 min read Apr 12, 2005
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    10 tax troubles you can avoid

    If the tax man starts questioning your return, don’t make matters worse by making one of these 10 costly blunders.

    5 min read Mar 01, 2005
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    Overlooked deductions on old returns

    A reader thinks he may have overlooked the mortgage points deduction. Our expert explains this tax break, along with how to get copies of old returns.

    1 min read Apr 10, 2003
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