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Tax guidance and resources

Looking for advice on lowering your federal or state taxes? You’ve come to the right place. Plus, get news and advice related to tax brackets, property taxes, estate taxes and more.

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    Deducting rental property losses

    Rental real estate losses are not allowed to married or single taxpayers whose AGI exceeds $150,000 a year, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read Nov 08, 2006
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    Converting to a Roth IRA

    The Roth conversion is an oddity, making people pay more tax now in exchange for a future promise that you will not have to pay tax, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read Oct 25, 2006
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    Capital gains on sale of home with farm

    If the avocados produce a profit, then the land is considered farmland and when sold would not qualify for capital gain exclusion from the sale of your home.

    1 min read Aug 01, 2006
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    Student wants tax exemption on condo

    Whether you can exclude capital gains on the sale of your jointly owned condo largely depends on if it served as your principal residence, says CPA George Saenz.

    2 min read Jun 13, 2006
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    Overtaxed on rental property sale

    You have three years from the date you filed the original return to claim a refund on your overpayment, says CPA George Saenz.

    1 min read May 02, 2006
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    Tax Basics: Chapter 3 quiz

    You’d better know your deductions if you want to pay the least amount of tax. Test yourself.

    Apr 30, 2006
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    Tax details quiz

    Let’s get down to brass tacks. Do you know basic tax details? Take our quiz and find out.

    1 min read Apr 30, 2006
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    Tax Basics: Chapter 2 quiz

    Taking care of taxes involves the nitty-gritty of finding the right form and tax tables. Test your knowledge.

    1 min read Apr 30, 2006
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    Oh, baby! Kids and taxes

    Your new chip off the old block will help you to chip away at some of the income taxes you owe.

    2 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Taxes and homeownership

    Owning a home brings not only yard work, but also an added dimension to your taxes.

    5 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Marriage and your taxes

    After your honeymoon, consider the new decisions you’ll need to make about your taxes.

    3 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Changing your tax address

    It’s tempting to try to fly under the IRS’s radar. That’s not always a good idea.

    2 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Your changing tax life

    With every stage of life, your taxes may change. Take advantage of the new opportunities coming your way.

    1 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Are you a tax pack rat?

    Sure, it’s smart to have documentation in case the IRS asks. But don’t go overboard.

    2 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Tax Basics: Chapter 5 quiz

    Your taxes change at various stages of your life. Test your understanding of this phenomenon.

    1 min read Apr 15, 2005
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    Taking care of tax details

    Taking care of tax business when it rears its head throughout the year, and not just in April, is to your benefit.

    1 min read Apr 15, 2005
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