5 biggest myths about mortgage refinance
Don’t let lack of knowledge hold you back from refinancing.
Don’t let lack of knowledge hold you back from refinancing.
Many factors impact how much you can afford to spend on a house.
Return on investment, or ROI, is the amount earned after deducting all associated costs.
A comparison of interest rates in passbook savings accounts and statement savings accounts across the country.
Metaphorically, a short squeeze is investors rushing out of a crowded theater after someone yells “fire.”
What investors should know about the latest surge in meme stocks.
The “sell in May” play isn’t a great strategy for the average investor.
You may want cheap home insurance, but is it the right insurance? Bankrate can help.
Buying the goods you love amid rising prices making you angry? You’re not alone.
Here’s how the tax-equivalent yield of a municipal bond works and how to figure it.
How investors can profit off of dating app stocks.
Women’s financial challenges may differ from men’s due to the gender pay gap and caregiving duties.
Here’s the most recent data for top hedge-fund stocks.
Bankrate discusses texting and driving: the statistics, laws and consequences.
A 5/1 ARM is a common type of adjustable-rate mortgage.
How the CFPB’s efforts to reduce credit card late fees could lead to higher fees.
High inflation is causing Gen Zers to rely upon credit cards more than millennials did.
Almost half of Americans are in debt. Is doom spending to blame?
A 15-year mortgage has a lot of positives. Provided it won’t cost you too much.
Want the lowest-possible interest rate? This mortgage delivers — for a few brief years.