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How to manage a working capital loan

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Published on February 12, 2025 | 6 min read

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Key takeaways

  • Be sure to understand all aspects of your loan agreement, including the loan amount, APR, repayment term, loan cost and fees
  • Budgeting, paying bills on time, and keeping debt to a minimum is key to managing a working capital loan
  • Talking to your lender before missing a payment can help you prevent default

A working capital loan can give you a way to weather the storm of a cash shortage or jump on a business opportunity. But if you’re considering a short-term business loan, line of credit or any other option to bridge a cash flow gap for your business, you need to make sure you understand the big picture. Yes, this loan might help you today. But how will it impact your financial future?

You’ll need to be able to manage the loan repayments to ensure that you can  make all payments on time until the loan is paid off. Taking out a loan that you can’t reasonably pay back is a form of bad debt, and you should avoid this scenario. Instead, make a plan to repay the loan before you sign for it to set you off on the right foot.

Tips for managing a working capital loan

Before you sign on the dotted line, research short-term loans and make sure you understand the total monthly payment and any fees. Then, follow these tips to make sure you can manage your working capital loan.

1. Understand your loan agreement

Before signing for a short-term business loan or any other working capital loan, read through your loan agreement and make sure that you fully understand the terms of the contract. Once you sign, the agreement is legally binding.

Here are some key aspects of your loan agreement that you need to understand:

Term Definition
Loan amount This is the amount of money you’re getting from the lender.
APR The annual percentage rate (APR) is the total loan cost — including interest and fees — per year. Some lenders charge simple interest, which doesn’t account for loan fees, or a factor rate.
Repayment term This explains the time you have to repay and when repayments are due. With a working capital loan, you may be responsible to pay monthly, weekly or even daily.
Loan cost and fees Lenders charge money to originate loans, meaning you’ll likely need to pay some upfront costs and fees. The loan agreement should explain them.
Collateral Collateral is any asset you put up to back the loan — and what the lender can seize if you default. You may need collateral unless you’re getting an unsecured working capital loan.
Prepayment penalty Some working capital loans come with fees if you pay back what you borrowed ahead of schedule.
Penalty fees These fees arise because you missed a payment. They can be steep, so make sure you understand the ramifications.
Event of default This tells you what has to occur to technically reach default (such as missing payment for 90 days) and what happens in that event.
Acceleration This possible loan feature allows the lender to accelerate your repayment faster than the loan term. The lender may be allowed to require the full loan amount immediately, triggered by missed loan repayments.

2. Fit loan repayments into your business budget

Once you understand your potential loan agreement, you need to make sure it fits into your overall business budget.

Your business budget should look at current and projected revenue, fixed costs (payroll, leasing costs, subscriptions, insurance, taxes) and variable costs (marketing, utilities). You need to make sure the total of your expenses, including your business loan repayments, is less than the revenue that you bring in over the course of a month.

Your business budget should also look ahead to forecast revenue for the upcoming months and year. Generally, lenders want to see two years of financial reporting for a company before issuing a loan. Looking back over your business’s revenue and spending over the last two years can help you build a business budget you can trust.

3. Pay your bills on time

Paying on time boosts your credit score and helps you avoid unnecessary costs, like late fees and penalties. This doesn’t just apply to working capital loans for small businesses. You need to pay on time to your utility providers, creditors and suppliers on time.

For help, ask if any of your bill issuers offer autopay (most working capital loan lenders will). This way, they can make an automatic draw from your business bank account, so you don’t need to write a check or log into your account to pay.

4. Keep debt to a minimum

Working capital loans for small businesses can be a huge help or a potential pitfall. Because these loans may require fast repayments over a short term, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of debt. To keep up with the payments for your loan, you might be tempted to take out another loan or put it on your business credit card. But this way, debt builds up — and so does the interest your company has to cough up.

While managing a working capital loan, avoid taking on new debt unless you have a solid plan to repay all your debts. As a rule of thumb, you want to keep your debt-to-income ratio to 36 percent or less and your debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) to 1.25 or higher. The DSCR measures how much revenue you have to cover all your debts, a tool that lenders use to see if you can handle new debt.

If you run into financial issues while paying back your working capital loan, consider zero-debt financing for your small business, such as crowdfunding, bootstrapping or grants.

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Bankrate insight
Consider starting a business emergency fund in a high-yield savings account as a contingency for unplanned expenses. Having money on hand for unexpected or emergency expenses may save you from having to take on more debt.

5. Check your credit

You might think your credit score only matters when you’re trying to get a loan, but it can be a huge help as you manage your loan. If you have high personal and business credit scores, you’ll be better positioned to negotiate with your lender if you ever have trouble making payments.

Periodically check your business credit report and personal credit score. As you pay back your working capital loan, those should go up. You can also boost your business credit score by reporting any trade credit that you receive through your business’s suppliers. Also, make it a point to get a credit report at least annually and go through it line by line. If you find an error, dispute it to give you a credit score bump.

6. Talk to your lender

If you ever think you might be in a position to miss a payment, talk to your lender before that payment date. While lenders are more than happy to collect late fees for one missed payment, they don’t want you to go into default. Collections or legal proceedings cost them money and effort, and they would rather avoid that outcome.

As a result, your lender might offer an option like:

  • Short-term repayment modifications, like interest-only payments
  • A loan term extension
  • Short-term deferment or forbearance, which cancels payments for a time
  • A loan settlement amount to settle the debt for less than you owe

Your lender is more likely to agree to an adjustment if you have a good reason for making the request (like a seasonal ebb or a personal emergency) and a good credit score. In any case, it’s always worth contacting your lender to explore your options.

What happens if you don’t pay a working capital loan?

Working capital loans for small businesses help some businesses thrive, but they tank others. One missed payment will likely land you with fees and cause a dip in your credit score. But if you continually miss payments and your lender’s grace period expires, you enter default.

At this point, the lender can accelerate loan repayment, which means you owe the full sum of whatever they lent you. If you can’t repay it (a very likely outcome), you put anything you used to secure the loan at risk. While you can get an unsecured working capital loan — often in the form of a line of credit or a high-cost option like a merchant cash advance — the best loan rates come from secured financing. That means you put up business collateral, made a personal guarantee or both.

The lender can seize any business collateral you used to back the loan, such as high-value assets like real estate or equipment, in order to repay the loan in full or part. If you signed a personal guarantee, the lender can also go after your personal assets.

Plus, defaulting will tank your credit score and seriously limit your financing options moving forward.

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Bankrate insight
Working capital loans have higher rates and fees and shorter repayment periods than other types of loans. These factors can often make repayments unmanageable. If you have time to plan ahead and meet the eligibility requirements, a low-interest business loan will help you save money. Long-term loans can also stretch out loan repayments over a long time to make the monthly repayments manageable.

Bottom line

The best working capital loans can be the boon your business needs — but only if you manage them well. Before you sign for a loan, make sure you’ve explored all of your short-term financing options and you clearly understand the one you plan to use.

Then, once you get the loan proceeds, stay diligent about managing them and your company’s overall finances. As you repay your working capital loan, your credit score should grow.

Frequently asked questions about how to manage a working capital loan