IRS can’t find my W-2 form. How do I get my $3,000 tax refund?

Dear Tax Talk,
I filed my return but the IRS says they have no record of me making any money in 2015. I had e-filed through Turbo Tax and have over $3,000 coming back. I did receive a W-2, but evidently the IRS can’t find my W-2. What did my employer fail to do?
— James
Hybrid Images/Getty Images
Dear James,
This sounds like a frustrating problem for you. There are many potential reasons for this happening. Please keep in mind that your employer may have done everything correctly.
Here is what you need to do when the IRS can’t find your W-2 form so you can get your refund.
- Check everything from your end first. Take a close look at your Form W-2 and make sure that your Social Security number is correct and it matches with the return you filed. It only takes one keystroke on your part for it to be input incorrectly. Make sure that you input everything into the tax software that is required for your W-2. Check it and then recheck it. It is so easy to transpose a number.
- If your W-2 appears to be correct, call your employer and confirm that they submitted Form W-2 to the IRS in a timely manner.
- You do not say how it was communicated to you that the IRS has no record of your W-2. If they mailed you a notice, call the number listed and have a copy of your tax return along with the Form W-2 handy so you can help them resolve your problem.
- If you did not receive a notice from the IRS, then call them at (800) 829-1040. Be patient and call early during the day. Be prepared to wait, as they handle many calls. Be sure to take notes about your conversation, and write down the employee badge number and name along with the date and time of call. Remember, the IRS wants to resolve this matter as much as you do, but it may take time and several calls. Again, be sure to have a copy of your return and the W-2 form when you call.
- If you prefer to handle this in person, the IRS has many offices available to help taxpayers on a walk-in basis. You can go to the IRS website to see which office is closest to you. The employees are helpful and should be able to get your matter resolved.
Your refund is waiting for you so get going on this list!
Thanks for the great question and all the best to you.
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