Credit Card Advice
Whether you are applying for your first credit card, looking for an addition to the cards that you already have, or just seeking expert advice on the best way to use your credit cards to maximize rewards and stay out of debt, we have articles that can help. Our mission is to help you meet your financial goals, and our team is dedicated to providing you with the education and resources that will make it possible for you to use credit cards to get to where you want to be. Explore hundreds of credit card advice articles below.
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Latest credit card advice articles
Do I need a vaccine passport to book a flight?
Dear Cashing In: I really want to use my rewards points to travel internationally soon. Is it true that I’ll need to have a vaccine passport in order to book my flights?—Kellee Dear Kellee, It’s [...]
4 min read Apr 06, 2021 -
Is COVID killing cash?
I haven’t been to a bank branch or ATM in 105 days and counting. I withdrew $40 in cash in early December and it hasn’t run out yet. It’s no secret that cash usage has been declining for years. But [...]
3 min read Mar 26, 2021 -
Financial infidelity plagues many households, led by millennials
Hey, honey, did you know I’ve been cheating on you? (Financially, that is.) That’s the unfortunate—and unromantic—reality for millions of Americans. Four out of every 10 U.S. adults that are married, [...]
3 min read Mar 19, 2021 -
Credit cards and COVID: One year later
“See you in a couple weeks when this craziness is all over,” was a common refrain as we filed out of our Manhattan office on March 10, 2020. Now two weeks have turned into 52, and the company has said [...]
4 min read Mar 12, 2021 -
Poll: 2020 is a great year to negotiate credit card terms
Chances are that if you asked to have your credit card annual or late fees waived, interest rates lowered or credit limits raised in 2020, you’d get what you wanted. But a lot of people haven’t asked, [...]
5 min read Dec 21, 2020 -
Navigating a holiday shopping season unlike any other
Two in five holiday shoppers are taking a different approach to gift-giving this year, according to a recent Chase survey. That includes 55 percent who plan to focus on quality rather than quantity and [...]
5 min read Nov 30, 2020 -
Denied: Many Americans have been turned down for credit in 2020
Millennials encounter higher rates of denial (for at least one financial product) compared to older generations.
6 min read Nov 23, 2020 -
Poll: Most Americans lax about protecting personal data
Have you ever used your dog’s name as a password, hopped online at a coffee shop or tossed your credit card bill in the recycle bin? A new poll shows you’re not the only one taking these kinds of data [...]
5 min read Oct 28, 2020 -
September will be a key month for COVID credit card promotions
Amid the COVID-19 crisis, one of the silver linings in the credit card world has been the many “new normal” promotions that card issuers have rolled out. In June, a Bankrate survey found 81 percent [...]
3 min read Sep 01, 2020 -
3 surprises about credit cards and COVID-19
It has been about five months since the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up in the U.S. So far, there have been three credit card developments that have really surprised me. Keeping up with the bills Back in March, [...]
3 min read Aug 03, 2020 -
Survey: Despite safety concerns, 64% of U.S. cardholders save their information online
Saving payment info online is convenient, but many Americans still worry about safety.
5 min read Oct 24, 2019 -
Does debt consolidation hurt credit?
You’ll need a financial plan in place, otherwise debt consolidation may be bad for your credit score in the long run. Here’s what you need to know.
6 min read Feb 11, 2016