More people are carrying credit card debt, and it costs more than ever
A trio of concerns are affecting credit card borrowers: More people are carrying debt, rates are at record highs and balances are way up, too.
Whether you’re looking for the right credit card payoff strategy, or researching debt relief, our resources can help.
A trio of concerns are affecting credit card borrowers: More people are carrying debt, rates are at record highs and balances are way up, too.
Paying off your credit card debt now can make you more financially resilient later.
Building credit in college is a great idea — if you can avoid unnecessary debt.
A recession appears increasingly likely; here’s what it could mean for the credit card industry.
If you’re carrying a balance on your credit card, residual interest can easily sneak up on you when trying to pay it off.
As travel restrictions lessen and more entertainment venues open back up again, Gen Z and Millennials are itching to celebrate the ‘end’ of the pandemic. However, a recent survey suggests that many [...]
Credit card debt has seen a significant decrease during the pandemic, but there are questions about how to continue and maintain this. Read our take on how to do so.
A massive increase in the number of Hispanic applicants seeking financial disaster assistance has prompted JPMorgan Chase and Money Management International (MMI) to team up to address the situation. The [...]
Despite record unemployment and massive pay cuts in many industries, there has been a notable drop in credit card delinquency rates since January 2020.
It has been about five months since the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up in the U.S. So far, there have been three credit card developments that have really surprised me. Keeping up with the bills Back in March, [...]
A new CreditCards.com survey finds credit debt is a long-term issue for many.
You’ll need a financial plan in place, otherwise debt consolidation may be bad for your credit score in the long run. Here’s what you need to know.
It’s usually better to put extra money towards your credit cards instead of your car loan, as cards usually charge more interest and have more volatile rates.