An unheralded yet lucrative cash back card
You may not have heard of the Shop Your Way Mastercard, but it’s a cash back card that’s worth considering.
Mariah Ackary is a personal finance writer specializing in small businesses and credit. Her work has been cited by media including Fortune, The New York Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and CNBC. Mariah is a lifelong writer. She hopes to make personal finance education easier and more approachable through her research and advice.
Mariah earned her bachelor’s degree in public relations with a minor in business administration from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of South Carolina in 2019.
You may not have heard of the Shop Your Way Mastercard, but it’s a cash back card that’s worth considering.
Visa and Mastercard are raising fees on some transactions, but merchants and consumers will receive more benefits than they realize.
A new Bankrate survey reveals 1 in 4 Americans are skipping summer vacation this year, many because they can’t afford it.
Learn more about the new 2 percent cash back card and its benefits, the Bread Cashback American Express Card.
Read more to learn why the PayPal Cashback Mastercard is one of the most lucrative cash back cards.
Analyzing the impact of financial services access on immigrants.
Changes to medical debt collections on credit reports will affect millions of people.
If you’re carrying a balance on your credit card, residual interest can easily sneak up on you when trying to pay it off.