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Lizzie Nealon

Insurance Contributor
  • Writing
  • Editing
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  • Brand-building
Education Icon EDUCATION
  • Bachelor’s degree in political science with minors in Spanish and English, Clemson University

Lizzie Nealon is an insurance contributor for Bankrate. Her favorite part of writing content is making home, auto and life insurance digestible for readers so they can prepare for the future.

Lizzie earned her bachelor’s degree in political science from Clemson University. At Clemson, she co-founded a campus publication called the Sensible Tiger that made news and politics digestible to college students. This experience instilled her passion for helping audiences navigate complex topics like insurance.

She enjoys partially completing New Yorker crosswords, finding the best local restaurants and reading biographies in her free time.

Insurance is the highest form of self-care. Protecting yourself and your family against financial ruin provides peace of mind, security and freedom.

— Lizzie Nealon

Lizzie's latest articles

  • Car insurance for Nissans

    When purchasing car insurance, there are many factors used to determine your unique rate. Your age, driving history, where you live and the make and model of your car are all criteria used to determine your price and the average cost of car insurance. The U.S. average cost per year for liability coverage is $565 while full coverage costs $1,674. Your rate will vary based on the factors mentioned above.

    6 min read Oct 26, 2022
  • Car insurance for a Nissan GT-R

    When car insurance companies calculate rates for individual auto insurance policies, they look at a bunch of factors unique to the driver, including the make and model of their vehicle. And since the vehicle in question is a luxury sports car (which makes it more expensive), coverage for it is similarly pricey.

    6 min read Oct 26, 2022
  • Best car insurance for condo owners

    The financial security offered by insurance can be a great relief, but the rates can be steep. Instead of limiting your coverage, it may help to seek out methods to lower your rates without reducing your protection. Policy bundling, a discount offered by some providers, is one of the many recommended ways to go about this.

    4 min read Oct 26, 2022
  • Car insurance for an Alfa Romeo

    Alfa Romeo drivers need to be prepared to pay more than the national average for car insurance, which currently falls at $1,674. When car insurance companies determine rates, the make and model of the vehicle play a primary role, so car insurance for Alfa Romeos can get pricey.

    5 min read Oct 26, 2022
  • Oregon Mutual Insurance review 2023

    Insurance companies are plentiful all over the country, and even though the larger insurers are more widely available, people sometimes prefer a smaller company with more personal service. If you're in the Pacific Northwest region and looking for a lesser-known but trusted insurance provider, Oregon Mutual Insurance may be one to consider.

    7 min read Aug 23, 2022
  • Illustration of woman with umbrella

    Life Insurance

    Get life insurance that's the best of the best. See our awardmwinners to find the right picks for you and your family, backed with Bankrate's expertise.

    3 min read Dec 09, 2021