2025 Drunk driving statistics
Driving while intoxicated is illegal in every state. Bankrate examines the data.
Knowledge is the most valuable currency, and finance isn’t just a subject; it’s a tool—a key that can unlock doors to a secure and prosperous life.
— Ashlyn Brooks
Ashlyn Brooks is a finance writer with more than half a decade of experience, known for her knowledge in areas such as taxes, insurance, investing, retirement, finance news, and banking products. Her contributions to publications like Forbes, USA Today, and SmartAsset have significantly boosted financial literacy among readers. With a unique background in civil engineering, Ashlyn skillfully deciphers complex financial concepts into easily digestible content, democratizing access to financial knowledge and enabling informed decision-making among readers.
Ashlyn believes that comparing insurance offers or companies is a bit like a game of chess; you need to strategize and think several moves ahead. Here’s her playbook
Knowledge is the most valuable currency, and finance isn’t just a subject; it’s a tool—a key that can unlock doors to a secure and prosperous life.
— Ashlyn Brooks
Driving while intoxicated is illegal in every state. Bankrate examines the data.
Bankrate shares all the steps you need to know to get the best car insurance.
Drive Safe and Save is one of State Farm’s two telematics programs.
Bankrate explores interesting life insurance facts and statistics from 2024.
Term life insurance policy expiring soon? Bankrate explains your options.
Learn how adverse selection impacts life insurance and how insurers manage risk.
Many employers offer voluntary life insurance as an optional workplace benefit.
Learn how survivorship life insurance can protect your future.