Dog breeds that affect your insurance coverage

Key takeaways
- While liability coverage often covers dog bites, some dog breeds are excluded.
- Insurance companies sometimes exclude specific dog breeds because the risk of insuring them is too high.
- Having dogs that are considered high-risk can raise your home insurance cost.
If there is one thing Americans can’t get enough of, it’s dogs. According to the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), there are nearly 90 million dogs living in American homes. While dogs are great companions, they do add risk to a household. Should your dog bite someone, you may be liable for injuries. For this reason, it’s important to know what your homeowners insurance policy covers. While you might be able to claim a pet bite on your insurance policy, some companies have coverage exceptions.
Will my home insurance cover me if I have a dog?
Every year, thousands of dog bites and related injury claims are reported. These injuries can prove costly, with medical expenses totaling an average of $58,545 per claim in 2023, according to Triple-I. While not every dog bite will be that expensive, owning a dog does come with risks, which is why home insurance companies ask about dog ownership.
Liability coverage on home insurance policies is designed to help protect you financially if you are found at fault for injuries caused to others on your property or for damage to the property of others. This type of coverage may or may not protect you if your dog bites someone.
Coverage generally applies if the person or people were bitten by your dog on your property or elsewhere. However, not all dog breeds are covered and if you own a dog that is considered a restricted breed by your insurer, your claim may be denied. It’s important to ensure that you have read and understand your home insurance policy to determine if your dog is covered before something happens. If you are unsure whether your policy covers your dog, you may want to speak with your insurance company for clarification.
Top dog breeds that insurers won’t cover
Dogs that are typically included on an aggressive breed or restricted breed list with insurance carriers may be prone to cause more injuries if a bite occurs. They could also cause more extensive injuries simply because they are a larger breed, for example. Due to the increased risk, some insurance carriers try to manage this risk by implementing a restricted breed list. Other home insurers may only ask about your pet’s bite history and are not as particular about the breed.
A homeowners insurance dog list usually varies by carrier. However, the following dog breeds are most commonly restricted:
- Akita
- Alaskan malamute
- Chow Chow
- Doberman pinscher
- German shepherd
- Husky
- Mastiff
- Pit bull
- Presa Canario, or canary dog
- Rottweiler
- Wolf hybrid
If you own a dog that’s not on the restricted dog breeds list, you may still have trouble getting insurance coverage if your dog has bitten someone in the past.
What is breed-specific legislation?
Over 700 cities in the U.S. have introduced breed-specific legislation that bans or regulates specific dog breeds in an effort to reduce the frequency of dog attacks. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) argues against the effectiveness of these bans and holds that they can make it more challenging for dog owners to find housing and get veterinary care for their dogs. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) also discourages breed-specific legislation, noting that any dog is capable of biting and breed-specific legislation is difficult to enforce.
Both organizations support other efforts to reduce the frequency of dog bites. Specifically, they support:
- Banning dog fights
- Expanding low-cost spay and neuter services
- Enforcing existing licensing laws
- Community-based enforcement
- School-based and adult education programs on dog handling
What to do if your insurer won’t cover your dog
If your current insurer would exclude your dog from homeowners insurance coverage or would not insure you at all because of your pet, there may be alternatives to help you find homeowners coverage:
- If your dog is a service dog, you may receive an exception from your insurer to cover your pet.
- You may be able to train your dog and get a Canine Good Citizen certification from the American Kennel Club (AKC) to request an exception.
- Shop around to find another insurer that does not restrict your dog’s breed.
- Ask your insurer to exclude your dog from the policy instead of canceling your insurance, and find pet insurance that specializes in canine liability policies.
To discuss your options, contact your homeowners insurance company or your property insurance agent to determine the best course of action.
Insurance companies that don’t discriminate by breed
Several states prohibit (or are in the process of passing legislation to prohibit) insurers from discriminating against dog breeds. If you live in a state that does not prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against certain breeds and are interested in dog-friendly homeowners insurance coverage, consider the following companies:
- Allstate
- Chubb
- Encompass
- State Farm
- USAA (if eligible)
These carriers are known to write homeowners insurance policies that typically do not exclude certain dog breeds from coverage or have shorter lists of excluded dog breeds. That means you may be able to have your home insured without concern if you have a dog belonging to a breed that other insurers would deny coverage. However, if your dog has a history of biting, these companies still may deny coverage due to the pet’s known history.
How does your dog impact your insurance rate?
Dog bites can come with high medical bills and court settlement costs. Triple-I reports that the average payout for dog bite claims in 2023 was $58,545. If your insurance company covers your dog and it bites someone, claim costs may cause premium increases. How much having a dog adds to your home insurance premium will depend on your dog’s history, your insurance policy and more.
How to prevent your dog from biting
One of the best ways to avoid filing an insurance claim for a dog bite is to prevent your dog from biting in the first place. The ASPCA and AVMA offer these useful tips:
- Research dog breeds before adopting or purchasing a dog
- Learn to recognize dog body language
- Supervise children around your dog
- Train your dog at an early age
- Expose your dog to new settings
- Take your dog to the vet for vaccines and regular medical care
- Follow local leash laws when taking your dog out
- Reach out to a veterinary behaviorist or dog trainer if your dog is aggressive
It can help to monitor a dog’s behavior and body language; when dogs are uncomfortable or edgy, they are more likely to lash out. If a dog avoids eye contact, tries to shrink down or puts its tail between its legs, it might be fearful, anxious or scared. A dog that growls, raises itself up or stares straight ahead might be trying to make itself look bigger because it feels threatened.
Any of these behaviors, or a combination of them, might suggest that the dog is upset or stressed so it’s probably best to give it space and keep people away.
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